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York College lectures. (Record no. 18178)

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fixed length control field 34041cim a2200481 a 4500
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Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element York College. York, Nebraska.
9 (RLIN) 20939
Title York College lectures.
Title proper/short title The renewed mind
Miscellaneous information Lewis, Mike.
Date or sequential designation 1976 T.1 S.1
Title proper/short title Mind of Christ
Miscellaneous information McCaghren, Dan
Date or sequential designation 1976 T.1 S.2
Title proper/short title What is it?
Miscellaneous information Humble, Bill
Date or sequential designation 1976 T.2
Title proper/short title Foundation Principles
Miscellaneous information Humble, Bill
Date or sequential designation 1976 T.3
Title proper/short title The First Thirty Years
Miscellaneous information Humble, Bill
Date or sequential designation 1976 T.4
Title proper/short title I am not ashamed of Truth
Miscellaneous information Craig Mack Wayne
Date or sequential designation 1976; T.5
Title proper/short title In Matters of Faith, Unity
Miscellaneous information Douglas, Bob
Date or sequential designation 1976; T.5, S.2
Title proper/short title In Matters of Opinion, Liberty
Miscellaneous information Osburn, Carroll
Date or sequential designation 1976;T.6
Title proper/short title Hold the Pattern
Miscellaneous information Lockart, Jay
Date or sequential designation 1976; T.7
Title proper/short title In All Things, Love
Miscellaneous information Pryor, Neale
Date or sequential designation 1976; T.8
Title proper/short title Our Speech Betrays Us
Miscellaneous information Hawley, Monroe
Date or sequential designation 1976 T.9
Title proper/short title Undenominational Christianity
Miscellaneous information Hawley, Monroe
Date or sequential designation 1976; T.10
Title proper/short title The Non-Sectarian Spirit
Miscellaneous information Hawley, Monroe
Date or sequential designation 1976; T.11
Title proper/short title Guard the Truth
Miscellaneous information Meador, Prentice
Date or sequential designation 1976; T.12
Place of publication, distribution, etc. York, Nebraska
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. York College,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 1977-
Extent Cassettes.
Title York College Bible lectureship
9 (RLIN) 20940
General note Each lectureship tape has a distinctive title.
Formatted contents note York College Bible Lectureship tapes 1976-1979 -- 1976 : T.1 --The mind of Christ\Dan McCaghren-Side 1, The Renewed Mind\Mike Lewis-Side 2 -- T.2 --What is it?\Humble-Side 1 & 2 -- T.3 --Foundation Principles\Humble-Side 1 & 2 -- T.4 --The first thirty years\Humble-Side 1 -- T.5 --I am not ashamed of Truth\Bob Douglas-Side 1; In matters of Faith,Unity\Bob Douglas-Side 2 -- T.6 --In matters of opinion,Liberty\Osburn-Side 1 -- T.7 --Hold the Pattern\Lockhart-Side 1 & 2 -- T.8 --In all things, Love\Pryor -- T.9 --Our speech betrays us -- T.10 --Undenominational Christianity\Hawley -- T.11 --The non-sectarian spirit\Hawley-Side 1&2 -- T.12 --Guard the Truth\Meador. -- 1977 : T.1 -- The Disciple's Task(Phil.1)\Carroll Osburn-Side 1 & 2 -- T.2--Disciple's model (Phil.2)\Carroll Osburn-Side-1 & 2 -- T.3 --Disciple's Power (Phil.3)\Carroll Osburn-Side-1 & 2 -- T.4 --Disciple's of joy (Phil.4)\Carroll Osburn-Side 1 & 2 -- T.5 --The Mind of Christ\Doug Kostowski-Side 1 & 2 -- T.6 --Peace that passeth understanding\Gary Beauchamp-Side 1 & 2 -- T.7 --I press on toward the goal\James Hinkle-Side 1 & 2 -- T.8 --Rejoice in the Lord\Ted Kell-Side 1 & 2 -- T.9 --To live is Christ-To die is gain\Joe Barnett-Side 1 & 2 -- T.10 --Think on these things\Tom Schulz-Side 1 & 2 -- T.11 --The role of the home\Bob Lawrence-Side 1 & 2 -- T.12 --The role of the Church\Alex Humphrey Jr.-Side 1 & 2 -- T.13 --The role of Christian Education\Dale Larsen-Side 1 & 2 -- T.14 --Bus Evangelism: Starting from scratch\Ron Maynard-Side 1 & 2 -- T.15 --Bus Evangelism: How it can affect your congregation\Travis Leopard-Side 1 & 2 -- T.16 --Bus Evangelism: Potential unlimited-Side 1 & 2 -- T.17 --Our place (In Church, education & community)\Eula McPherson-Side 1 & 2 -- T.18 --Bible women-their problems and mine\Eula McPherson-Side 1 & 2 -- T.19 --He is First, they are second; then there is me\Eula McPherson-Side 1 & 2 -- T.20 --The liberated woman\Becky Tilotta Holbrook-Side 1 & 2 -- T.21 --Motherhood-who needs it?\Becky Tilotta Holbrook-Side 1 & 2. --1978 : T.1 --Woman's role\Shelly, Rubel-Part 1 -- T.2 --Woman's role\Shelly, Rubel-Part 2 -- T.3 --Male and female He created them -- T.4 --Missions emphasis: church growth\Broom, Wendell -- T.5 --The women's movement...Part 1\Ellis, Mrs.Tottie -- T.6 --Priscilla and Ruth\Hawley, Nelda -- T.7 --Sarah obeyed Abraham..\Brecheen,Carl -- T.8 --Woman's role-Part 3\Ellis,Tottie -- T.9 --That the Word of God be not blasphemed\Broadus,Edwin -- T.10 --Missions emphasis: stateside missions\Nadeau,Jack -- T.11 --Women's movement in Christian prespective-Part 2\Ellis, Tottie -- T.12 --Fascinating womanhood from Biblical view\Nadeau, Kay -- T.13 --The women adorn themselves through good works\Abbananto, Pat -- T.14 -- Woman's role-Part 4 -- T.15 --Women labored with me in the Gospel\Nadeau, Jack -- T.16 --Missions emphasis group evangelism\Norton, Howard -- T.17 --Woman's movement in a christian perspective-Part 3\Ellis, Tottie -- T.18 --What can women do\North, Mrs, Ira -- T.19 --You are all one in Christ\North, Ira -- There is no T.20 -- T.21 --The weaker sex?\Reppart, David -- T.22 --Beauty and the beast\Reppart, David -- T.23 --Young women of the Bible\Reppart, Nellie -- T.24 --Understanding the opposite sex\Hawley, Roger -- T.25 --A help meet for him\Hawley, Roger -- T.26 --Open forum-Part 1 -- There is no T.27 -- T.28 -- Open forum-Part 2 -- T.29 --Perpetuating the Christian home\Anderson, James -- T.30 --Open forum-Part 3 -- T.31 --Heritage of the Christian home. ---1979 : T.1 -- Victory in Jesus\Rodriquez, Victor -- T.2 --Self-esteem-an overall view\Rigdon, Bob -- T.3 --Specifics of self esteem\Rigdon, Bod -- T.4 --We are His workmanship\Humphrey, Alex, Jr. -- T.5 --The origin of the family\Stotts, Keith -- T.6 --Depression: Negative self addiction\Moore, Lewis-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.7 --Man as husband\Stinnett, Nick -- T.8 --Women in the Church\Hawley, Julia -- T.9 --A man after God's own heart\Gardner, E. Claude -- T.10 --How is self esteem fulfilled?\Rigdon, Bod -- T.11 --His glorious heritage -- T.12 --Inaugural address and president's response\Ganus, Clifton L.,Jr. -- T.13 --Emotional & spiritual side\Moore, Lewis-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.14 --Man as father\Ellis, Geoffrey -- T.15 --The ministry of single women\Downing, Maribeth -- T.16 --Self esteem is unfulfilled?\Rigdon, Bob -- T.17 --A dwelling place for the Spirit\Pruitt, Harvie -- T.18 --Barnabas, a good man\Gilfilen, Walt -- T.19 --Depression: power vs load\Moore, Lewis -- T.20 --Man in the Church\Huffard, Elza -- T.21 --Woman as wife and mother\Sikes, Mrs. Robbie -- T.22 --Man's destiny\Collins, Willard.
Formatted contents note York College Bible Lectureship tapes 1981-1987: ---1981: -- T.1 --Justification by Faith. The problem sin\Shank,Robert -- T.2 --Justification by faith\Shank, Robert -- T.3 --Biblical Faith\Smith Kite-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.4 --Foundation philosophy of restoration\West, Earl ---There is no T.5 -- T.6 --Principles of hermeneutics\Hawley, Monroe -- T.7 --Mine to surrender\Tandy, Cindy-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.8 --Inspiration of the scriptures\Roy Lanier-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.9 --Justification by faith\Shank, Robert-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.10 --Biblical Judgment\Townsdin, John-Copy 1,2,3 & 4 -- T.11 --How the principles work\West, Earl-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.12 --Resolving conflicts\Schulz, Dottie-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.13 --Legalism\Hawley, Monroe-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.14 --His to sustain\Tandy, Cindy ---There is no T.15 or T.16 -- T.17 --Worship: Instrumental music\Ferguson, Everett-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.18 --Justification by faith-Part 2\Shank, Robert-Copy 1,2 & 3 -- T.19 --Biblical baptism\Ferguson, Everett-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.20 --Current trends\Hinkle,James-Copy 1,2 & 3 -- T.21 --Ours to share\Tandy Cindy-Copy 1 & 2. ---1982 : T.1 --In the beginning, God\Hawley, Roger -- T.2 --The power of illustration\Ray, Vernon -- T.3 --Teaching creation preschool to third grade\Sedlachek, Pam ---There is no T.4 -- T.5 --God and man in creation\Willis, John -- T.6 --Women of Genesis\Lewis, Annie Mae -- T.7 --Open forum -- T.8 --The challenge of a happy family\Napier, Grace -- T.9 --New thought on old age\Bentley, Virgil -- T.10 --Preaching to persuade\Ray, Veron ---There is no T.11 -- T.12 --Genesis and archaeology\Lewis, Jack -- T.13 --Teaching creation fourth to sixth\Sedlachek,Pam -- T.14 --Abraham\Bryce, Dean -- T.15 --The nature of sin\Willis, John -- T.16 --Women of Genesis-Part 2\Lewis, Annie Mae -- T.17 --Open forum -- T.18 --The creative wife & happy family\Hawley, Nelda -- T.19 --Accent on youth and aging\Bentley, Virgil ---There is no T.20 -- T.21 --Sin and its consequences\Smith, Ralph -- T.22 --Genesis and archaeology-part 3\Lewis, Jack -- T.23 --Noah\Smith, Ralph -- T.24 --Man's way and God's way with sin\Wills, John -- T.25 --Open forum -- T.26 --The beauty of age\Bentley, Virgil ---There is no T.27 -- T.28 --The family blessing\Hawley, Roger -- T.29 --Preparing youth for leadership\Rodriguez, Victor -- T.30 --God created them male & female\Gayle Napier-Copy 1 & 2. ---1983 : T.1 -- Trusting God when life makes no sense\Neale Pryuor-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.2 --God's love and the Old Testament\Sampson,David -- T.3 --Relationships: the father factor\Young, Helen -- T.4 --Trusting God's Grace\Pryor,Neale-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.5 --Parenting: communicating\Ireland, Mike -- T.6 --The relationship of Christian evidences and Faith\England, Don -- T.7 --The problems of evil\Osburn, Carroll -- T.8 --When life tumbles in: The Christian and cancer\Ray, Bettye -- T.9 --Church leadership:trust\Lemmons, Reuel -- T.10 --Trusting God for the impossible\Ray, Vernon-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.11 --The existence of evil and the love of God\Sampson, David -- T.12 --Relationships: the frienship factor\Young, Helen -- T.13 --Trusting God's Goodness\Dozier, Dan-Copy 1,2 & 3 -- T.14 --Parenting: discipling\Ireland, Mike -- T.15 --The relationship of Christian evidences and faith-Part 2\England, Don -- T.16 --The moral issue: suffering for the faith\Osburn, Carroll-Copy 1,2 & 3 -- T.17 --Knowing God: the ultimate liberation\Dowdy, Beverly -- T.18 --Church leadership: discipline\Lemmons, Reuel -- T.19 --I'm thankful for the Church\Young, M. Norvel-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.20 --Trusting God in adversity\Shelly, Rubel-Copy 1 & 2 ---There is no T.21 -- T.22 --The disciplined life\Dozier, Dan -- T.23 --Relationships: the family factor\Young, Helen -- T.24 --Trusting God's word\ Shelly, Rubel -- T.25 --Parenting: loving\Ireland, Mike -- T.26 --The relationship of Christian evidences and faith\England, Don -- T.27 --The natural issue: physical calamity\Osburn, Carroll -- T.28 --Church leadership: vision\Lemmons, Reuel -- T.29 --Trusting God for the harvest\Lemmons, Reuel. ---1984 : T.1 --Called to Christ\Hazelip, Harold -- T.2 --Discipling: defining the disciple\Jones, Milton -- T.3 --A plan for the fulness of time\Beauchamn, Deanna -- T.4 --Called to live simply\Hazelip, Harold -- T.5 --Worldwide evangelism: Why?\Slate, Philip ---There is no T.6 -- T.7 --Light to the nations: message\Osburn, Carroll -- T.8 --Free to be a father\Lynn, Dennis -- T.9 --In pursuit of holiness: What does it mean?\Young, Helen -- T.10 --Called to serve\Beauchamp,Gary-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.11 -- Discipling: levels of relationships\Jones, Milton -- T.12 --Peace be to you & peace be to your house\Beauchamp, Deanna -- T.13 --Called to love\Beauchamp, Gary -- T.14 -- Worldwide evangelism: where?\Slate, Philip -- T.15 --Partnership before parenthood\Lynn, Dennis -- T.16 --The Gods have come down to us: Method\Osburn, Carroll -- T.17 --Peopling: ministry through relationships\Anderson, Lynn ---There is no T.18 -- T.19 --Called to obey\Ray, Vernon -- T.20 --Discipling: Why are we losing our children?\Jones, Milton -- T.21 --Grief and grace\Schulz, Dottie ---There is no T.22 -- T.23 --Worldwide evangelism: How?\Slate, Philp -- T.24 --Peopling: ministry through relationships\Anderson, Lynn -- T.25 --Unless you are circumcized\Osburn, Carroll -- T.26 --Traits of a healthy family\Lynn, Dennis ---There is no T.27 -- T.28 -- Called to proclaim\Meador, Prentice-Copy 1 & 2. ---1985 : T.1 --Speaking the truth in love\Hawley, Monroe -- T.2 --Conflict management in the local Church\Hinkle, James -- T.3 --Developing a concern for others\Woodroof, Tim -- T.4 --Love the brotherhood\Baird, James -- T.5 --Soma (The Body)\Wilcox, Warren -- T.6 --When conflicts arise\Hinkle, Harriett -- T.7 --Elders/preachers/members relatioinships\Reppart, David -- T.8 --Building itself up in love\Woodroof, Tim -- T.9 --Conflict management in the local Church- Part 2\Hinkle, James -- T.10 --Developing an understanding of singing\Brown, Paul -- T.11 --Honor all men\Baird, James -- T.12 --Heavenly places\Schulz, Dorris -- T.13 --Oikas (The House of God)\Wilcox, Warren -- T.14 --Growing in grace and knowledge\Reppart, Nellie -- T.15 --Strong church seminar\Cravens, Mike, & Dennis Lynn -- T.16 --Speaking to one another in songs\Brown, Paul -- T.17 --Conflict management in the local church-part 3\Hinkle, James -- T.18 --Developing a concern for self\Stewart, Bill -- T.19 --Fear God, honor the King\Baird, James -- T.20 --Yes my Lord\Schulz, Dorris -- T.21 --Koinonia (Fellowship)\Lawrence, Bob -- T.22 --Happiness is a choice\Stewart, Pam -- T.23 --Strong church seminar-Part 2\Cravens, Mike & Dennis Lynn -- T.24 --Members one of another\Winkler, Wendell. ---1986 : -- T.1 --"Jesus my Lord"\Smith, LaGard -- T.2 --Jesus in the Old Testament\Nichols, Hardeman -- T.3 --Forming the image of Christ in children\Lewis, Bob & Avon Shields -- T.4 --Give of the strength of your youth\Smith, LaGard -- T.5 --Preaching Christ in today's world\Mankin, Jimmy -- T.6 --In the beginning\Oler, Mary -- T.7 --Angles are good, Jesus is better\Humphrey, Alex, Jr. -- T.8 --The way a woman thinks in her heart, so is she\Becker, Bev. -- T.9 --Jesus, the Master Teacher\Brown, Paul -- T.10 --Controlled by the Love of Christ\Nichols, Hardeman -- T.11 --Jesus in the Old Testament\Nichols, Hardeman -- T.12 --Forming the image of Christ in children\Lewis, Bob & Avon Shields -- T.13 --The gracious Jesus\Schulz, Tom -- T.14 --Preaching Christ in today's world\Mankin, Jimmy -- T.15 --I hear the voice of joy\Oler, Mary -- T.16 --Moses was faithful, Jesus is better\Humphrey, Alex,Jr. -- T.17 --The streams of your life\Becker, Bev -- T.18 --Jesus the Master Teacher\Brown, Paul -- T.19 --Following Jesus in servanthood\Mankins, Jimmy -- T.20 --Jesus in the Old Testament\Nichols, Hardeman -- T.21 --Forming the image of Christ in children\Lewis, Bob & Avon Shields -- T.22 --Christ in you the hope of glory\Humphrey, Alex,Jr. -- T.23 --Preaching Christ in today's world\Mankin, Jimmy -- T.24 --Trust! Be not afraid\Oler, Mary -- T.25a & T.25b --Our Priest does not die\Humphrey, Alex,Jr. -- T.26 --Selfishness and submission: mix or match\Becker, Bev. -- T.27 --Jesus, the Master Teacher\Brown, Paul -- T.28 --Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever\Tinsley,James.
Formatted contents note ---1987 :-- T.1 --Jesus, the Beauty of Holiness\Anders, Dan -- T.2 --The beauty of holiness in the Psalms\McCord, Hugo -- T.3 --How to tell if you are in love\Paul,Jack -- T.4 --Holiness movements in Church history\Hawley, Monroe -- T.5 --Set aside for God-your identity\Black, Doris -- T.6 --From glory to glory\Wheeler, Frank -- T.7 --Pots, pan and dirty diapers: holiness in the home\Gilliland, Betsy -- T.8 --Living in harmony\Hinkle, James & Tim Woodroof -- T.9 --The power of holiness\Paul, Jack -- T.10 --The beauty of holiness in the Psalms\McCord,Hugo -- T.11 --So who wants to be holy, anyway?\Anders, Dan -- T.12 --Holiness movements in Church history-Part 2\Hawley, Monroe -- T.13 --Set aside for God- your identity\Black, Doris-Copy 1 & 2 -- T.14 --A holy priesthood\Petrillo, Denny -- T.15 --Thus shall your children be holy\Hawley, Julia -- T.16 --Living in Harmony-Part 2\Hinkle, James -- T.17 --God's way of holiness\Anders, Dan -- T.18 --The beauty of holiness in the Psalms-Part 2\McCord, Hugo -- T.19 --Earning the right-holiness given, holiness received\Bendickson, David -- T.20 --Holiness movements in Church history-Part III\Hawley, Monroe -- T.21 --Set aside for God-your destiny\Black, Doris -- T.22 --A holy covenant\Kite, Terry -- T.23 --A seller of purple: holiness at work\Gilliland, Betsy -- T.24 --Living in harmony-Part III\Hinkle, James & Tim Woodroof -- T.25 --The beauty of holiness in the Church\McCord, Hugo -- T.26 --A theological base for Christian counseling.
Formatted contents note York College Bible Lectureship 1989 & 1991: ---1989 : -- T.1 --Make me a servant: in the home\Brecheen, Carl -- T.2 --Whatever happened to mom, dad, and the kids?-Part 1\Brecheen, Carl -- T.3 --Chapel\Brecheen, Carl -- T.4 --What ever happened to mom, dad, and the kids?-Part 2\Brecheen, Carl -- T.5 --Servant passages in Mark\Wheeler, Frank -- T.6 --Make me a servant of the Word\Grey, Glen -- T.7 --Make me a servant who cares\West, Larry -- T.8 --Dialoguing with non-servants I\West, Larry -- T.9 --Chapel\West, Larry -- T.10 --Servant in Mark\Wheeler, Frank -- T.11 --Attitudes of a servant\Scott, Pat -- T.12 --Dialoguing with non-servants II\West, Larry -- T.13 --Make me a servant to the community\Watson, Alan -- T.14 --Managing as a servant\Onstead, Randall -- T.15 --Lecturship banquet\Onstead, Randall -- T.16 --Give me a servant heart\Norman, Ronnie -- T.17 --If none other serves\Norman, Ronnie -- T.18 --Chapel\Norman, Ronnie -- T.19 --Servant passages in Mark\Wheeler, Frank ---There is no T.20 & 21 -- T.22 --Group dynamics workshop\Oglesby, Robert -- T.23 --Making the Church a servant Church\Oglesby, Robert --T.24 --"I" Velora Oglesby\Oglesby, Velora -- T.25 --Covenant\Kite, Terry -- T.26 --Covenant\Kite, Terry. ---1991 : -- T.1 --Preparing the Lord's family for the 21st century\Young, Norvel -- T.2 --The significance of the Old Testament for the restoration movement-Part 1\Houston, Mike -- T.3 --Parenting\Hawley, Nelda -- T.4 --Preparation for departure\Bendickson, David -- T.5 --Restoring the Biblical concept of holiness: the holiness of God\Bales, Norman -- T.6 --Freed from the tyranny of guilt-Part 1\Houston, Birgie ---There is no T.7 -- T.8 --The family blessing\Hawley, Roger -- T.9 --Helping Hands luncheon\Young, Helen -- T.10 --Preacher's luncheon\Young,Norvel -- T.11 --The importance of the family for the church\Young, Helen -- T.12 -- Challenges for leadership\Young, Norvel -- T.13 --The Church and the community\Eldred, Rick -- T.14 --Developing a Bible curriculum for the elementary grades\Simpson, Pat ---There is no T.15 or T.16 -- T.17 --The significance of the Old Testament for the restoration movement-Part 2\Houston, Mike -- T.18 --He who finds a good wife\Hawley, Nelda -- T.19 --Major issues confronting the Church of tomorrow\Petrillo, Denny -- T.20 --Restoring the Biblical concept of holiness: the holiness of the Christian\Bales, Norman -- T.21 --Freed from the tyranny of guilt-Part 3\Houston, Birgie ---There is no T.22 -- T.23 --Relationship deficiencies\Hawley, Roger -- T.24a,24b,24c & 24d --Studies in Ephesians\Osburn, Carroll-Part 1,2,3 & 4 -- T.25 --Basic Bible skills for juniors and intermediates\Hawley, Julia -- T.26 --Supplementing commercial preschool and primary Bible school materials\Simpson, Pat -- T.27 --Banquet awards -- T.28 --The power of the resurrection\Osburn, Carroll -- T.29 --A changeless Christ for our changing world\Elliott, Glen -- T.30 --Reaching the single parents and step families\Schultz, Bob -- T.31 --Major issues confronting the Church of Tomorrow-Part 2\Petrillo, Denny -- T.32 --Evangelism: using the Bible school\Fraser, Dan -- T.33 --The prayer life of Paul\Wheeler, Lloyd -- T.34 --The quality of family life\Hawley, Roger -- T.35 --Is Christ divided?-Part 1\Hawley, Monroe -- T.36 --Picture this\Sikes, Stacey -- T.37 --Is Christ divided?-Part 2\Hawley, Monroe -- T.38 -- Evangelism using the Bible School\Fraser, Dan -- T.39 --Is Christ divided-Part 3\Hawley, Monroe -- T.40 --Helping Hands -- T.41 --Mission report-Nigeria\Foltz, Darrell.
Formatted contents note York College Bible Lectureship 1992: -- T.1 -- Visualizaing the Church in the 21st century\Shipp, Glover -- T.2 --The nature of covenant relationships\Schulz, Tom -- T.3 --Parenting-Part 1-Your child's temperament\Neese, Allen -- T.4 --Demonstrations of conversion-Part 1\Carman, George -- T.5 --Personal spirituality-Part 1\Bullar, Chris & Maxine -- T.6 --Strageties for the mission of the Church\Shipp, Glover ---There is no T.7 -- T.8 --In search of a model for Christian marriage\Napier, Gayle -- T.9 --Men's luncheon-Part 1 & 2 -- T.10 --The devotional life\Lewis, Annie May -- T.11 --Personal spirituality-Part 2\Bullard,Chris & Maxine -- T.12 --Meaning what we say: reflection for clarification\McBride, Bailey -- T.13 --Dealing with anger in families\Horton, Wayne -- T.14 --Spiritual personality-Part 3\Bullar, Chris & Maxine -- T.15 --The tie that binds, commitment in marriage-Part 1\Hawley, Dale -- T.16 --Family finances & Christian stewarship\Nixon, Gerry -- T.17 --What nobody ever told me about marriage and families\McBride, Bailey -- T.18 --The tie that binds: commitment in marriage-Part 2\Hawley, Dale -- T.19 --Parenting-Part 2-Communication & self esteem\Neese, Allen -- T.20 --Hospitality\Lewis, Annie May -- T.21 --Demonstrations of conversion-Part 2\Carman, George -- T.22 --Training elders\Goben, Bill -- T.23 --Seasons in a woman's life-Part 2\Napier, Grace -- T.24 --Nuturing our marriages back to life, building intimacy into our relationships\Napier, Gayle -- T.25a,T.25b,T.25c & T.25d --Studies in Hosea #1,#2,#3 & #4\Lewis, Jack P. ---There is no T.26 -- T.27 --The pursuit of Christian excellence\Roberts, Larry -- T.28 --Leadership & fellowship\Goben, Bill -- T.29 --Parenting-Part 3-Parenting by example\Neese, Allen -- T.30 --Building powerful families: recognizing the individual within\Watson, Alan -- T.31 --Religious development of children\Wheeler, Kathleen -- T.32 --This family needs a revival\Tuttle, Jim -- T.33 --Drawing near to God\Tenery, Jim -- T.34 --Why marriages in the Church of Christ are failing, Can we reverse the trend?\Napier, Gayle -- T.35 --Curriculum writing workshop\Simpson,Pat & Kathleen Wheeler -- T.36 --Drawing near to God-Part 2\Tenery, Jim -- T.37 --Forgiveness in the Old & New covenants\Pribble, Mike -- T.38 --This family needs a revival\Tuttle, Jim -- T.39 --Small group ministries\Hinkle, James -- T.40 --What will make our families stronger for the 90's\Napier, Gayle.
Formatted contents note York College Bible Lectureship 1993: -- T.1 --The righteous shall live by faith -- T.2 --Sharing in the righteousness of God\Chapman, Calvin -- T.3 --Becoming the righteousness of God in Jesus\Chapman, Calvan -- T.4 --The righteousness of God\Burger, Wayne -- T.5 --Making your marriage marvelous-Part 1\Burger, Wayne -- T.6 --Making your marriage marvelous-Part2\Burger, Wayne -- T.7 --The righteousness of the cross\Burger, Wayne -- T.8 --The morality of using power\Schulz, Dottie -- T.9 --The moral choice to love our enemies\Schulz, Dottie -- T.10 --Becoming righteous: God's part\Chadwell, David -- T.11 --Becoming righteous: my part\Chadwell, David -- T.12 --The fruit of righteousness\Chadwell, David -- T.13 --Vision\Childress, Harvey -- T.14 --Why churches are declining-Part 1\Childress, Harvey -- T.15 --Righteous people\Childress, Harvey -- T.16 --Why churches are declining-Part 2\Childress, Harvey ---There is no T.17 -- T.18 --Divorce recovery- Part 1\Ginn, Steve -- T.19 --Divorce recovery-Part 2\Ginn, Steve -- T.20 --The Church in Botswana\Malepa, Dennis -- T.21 --Blessed are those who hunger & thirst for righteousness\Wheeler, Frank -- T.22 --Motivation for living his righteousness\Gray, Glen -- T.23 --The ministry of the Spirit in living His Righteousness\Gray, Glen -- T.24 --Morals & virtue in the classical tradition\Lawrence, Bob -- T.25 -- Morals and virtue in the early church fathers\Lawrence, Bob -- T.26 --Teaching primaries\Oler, Shirley ---There is no T.27 -- T.28 --The value of 'story' in spiritual formation\Case, Mike -- T.29 --The use of the story of Jesus for spiritual formation\Case, Mike -- T.30 --His life in the fast lane\Maxwell, Ray -- T.31 --Handling stress His way\Maxwell, Ray -- T.32 --Holiness & the direction of our nation\Roberts, Larry -- T.33 --The Church in Nicaragua\Sanabria, Pablo -- T.34 --The Windows of Heaven\Roberts, Larry ---There is no T.35 & T.36 -- T.37 Living His righteousness\Ever,Pam -- T.38 --Mission report: Nigeria\Foltz, Darrell -- T.39 --York college lectureship banquet.
Formatted contents note York College Bible Lectureship 1994 : -- T.1 --Equipping for ministry Psalm 46\Goodwin, Bruce-Side 1 & 2 -- T.2 --Life in the 90's, combating fear and conflict through Mark's gospel\Burleson, Dale -- T.3 --Sharing in the life of God\Goodwin, Bruce -- T.4 --Every kid a winner-Part 1\Smith, Dale -- T.5 --Devotionals\Kite, Haunn and Smith-Side 1 & 2 ---There is no T.6 & T.7 -- T.8 --Proverbs: Positive spiritual living\Ellis, Ken -- T.9 --"God-Directed living in a God-denying world" Psalm 119:1-16\Sparks, Curt -- T.10 --The empty nest\Kite, Neva -- T.11 --Psalm 78, God's people have a story to tell\Kite, Smith -- T.12 --The celebration of the presence of God\Sparks, Curt -- T.13 --David and his Psalms-Part 1\Case, Mike -- T.14 -- Life in the 90's, conbating fear and conflict through Mark's gospe-Part 2 -- T.15 --Every kid a winner-Part 2\Smith, Dale -- T.17 --Helping Nebraska's small churches\Case, Mike -- T.18 --The joy of seeing God through His law\Sparks, Curt ---There is no T.19 -- T.20 -- Celebration of the family, Psalms 127 & 128\Sikes, Steve -- T.21 --Visual-eye-sing jewels of the Old Testament\Ginn, Sue -- T.22 --Proverbs: positive spiritual living\Ellis, Ken ---There is no T.23 -- T.24 --Reflections on worship from the Psalms\Smith, Dale -- T.25 --God is so good\Sikes, Pat ---There is no T.26 -- T.27 --Sharing your life with God\Goodwin, Bruce -- T.28 --Every kid a winner-Part 3\Smith, Dale ---There is no T.29 -- T.30 --Let the redeemed say so\Sikes, Pat ---There is no T.31 -- T.32 --Celebration in the midst of trial Psalms 131\Sikes, Steve -- T.33 --Psalm 119\Kite, Haun -- T.34 --Celebration of the cross\Sikes, Steve ---Tape.34 is missing '07. ---1995 : -- T.1 --What is this thing called grace?\Methvin, Paul -- T.2 --The language of grace\Schulz, Tom -- T.3 --God's grace...when we hurt\Methvin, Paul -- T.4 --Dealing with stress in the family\French, Janet -- T.5 --A sense of presence-Part 1\White, Ed -- T.6 --A life worthy, preparing for the bridegroom--"Do you have a marriage made in Heaven?"\Holton, Becky -- T.7 --Church leaders' luncheon\Rappart, Jim -- T.8 --Helping Hands luncheon & convention\Niemann, Birgie -- T.9 --What God accomplished in Christ \Holton, Kerry -- T.10 --Blended families\French, Janet -- T.11 --The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ\Schulz, Tom -- T.12 --The grace of God and the life of peace\White, Ed -- T.13 --Fellowship of the family-Part 1\Gipson, John -- T.14 --God's grace produces a grateful heart\Methvin, Paul -- T.15 --A sense of presence-Part 2\White, Ed -- T.16 --A life worthy---we are six cow women\Holton, Becky -- T.17 --What God accomplished through Christ\Holton, Kerry -- T.18 --Shall we continue in sin?\Schulz, Tom ---There is no T.19 -- T.20 --Through grace we are more than conquerors\Gipson, John -- T.21 --Fellowship of the family-Part 2 \Gipson, John -- T. 22 --God's grace seen in a united, loving brotherhood\Methvin, Paul -- T.23 --A sense of presence-Part 3\White, Ed -- T.24 --A life worthy---here comes the bride\Holton, Becky ---There is no T.25 -- T.26 --The transforming power of God's grace\Holton, Kerry.
Formatted contents note York College Bible Lectureshp 1996 & 1997:---1996 :-- T.1 --To preach the Good News to the poor\York, John -- T.2 --Growing in Jesus-Part 1\Case, Mike -- T.3 --Helping hurting families-Part 1\Niemann, Birgie & Dottie Schulz -- T.4 --Out of these stones God can raise up children\Hance, William G. -- T.5 --Saving by losing-losing by saving: the reversal theme in Luke-Part 1\York, John -- T.6 --Helping Hands luncheon and meeting -- T.7 -- Luke 16 and stewarship\Johnson, James ---T.8 missing '07 -- T.9 --Panel discussion -- T.10 --The Spirit of the Lord is upon us\Johnson, James -- T.11 --The church of the unwanted: evangelizing modern day lepers-Part 1\Hameister, Rudi -- T.12 --Helping hurting families-Part 2\Niemann, Birgie and Dottie Schulz -- T.13 --Saving by losing-losing by saving: the reversal theme in Luke,II\York, John -- T.14 --Life beyond the storm-Part 1\Jones, Jerry -- T.15 --Church leaders' luncheon\Jones, Jerry -- T.16,I --Counseling and ministry-Part 1\Becker, Michael -- T.16,II. --Counseling and ministry-Part 2\Becker, Michael ---T.17 missing '07 -- T.18 --The loving Father\Jones, Jerry -- T.19 --The church of the unwanted: evangelizing modern day lepers-Part 2\Hameister, Rudi -- T.20 --Helping hurting families-Part 3\Niemann, Birgie & Dottie Schulz -- T.21 --Growing with Jesus-Part 2\Case, Mike -- T.22 --Life beyond the storm-Part 2\Jones, Jerry -- T.23,I --Counseling and ministry-Part 2\Becker, Michael -- T.13,II --Counseling and ministry-Part 2\Becker, Michael -- T.24 --Bad news vs, good news (Luke 15)\Jones, Jerry. ---1997 : -- T.1 --A message for all generations\Baker, Wayne -- T.2 --How communities of faith remember and pass on values\Tippens, Darryl -- T.3 --Dwelling in the shelter of the Most High\Sikes, Patti -- T.4 --YC Chapel\Tippens, Daryl ---There is no T.5 -- T.6 --Knowing God: Studies in Psalms-Part 1\vand der Spuy, Marselle -- T.7 --Scripture as story and our lives as a story of faith\Tippens, Darryl -- T.8 --He will give His angels charge concerning you\Sikes, Patti -- T.9 --Challenges, facing the restoration Church in the post-modern world\Cobb, Brian -- T.10 --Knowing God: Studies in Psalms-Part 2\van der Spuy, Marcelle -- T.11 --A home for all generations\Tippens, Darryl -- T.12 --Stories of grace from the parable of Jesus\Woodroof, Tim -- T.13 --My kingdom is not of this world\Dudrey, Russ -- T.14 --YC Chapel -- T.15 --Stories of grace from the parables of Jesus\Woodroof, Tim -- T.16 --My kingdom is not of this world\Durdrey, Russ -- T.17 --Grandparents are important-Part 1\French, Janet -- T.18 --Lunch and dedication\Baker, Wayne -- T.19 --The servant driven church Part 1\Fulenwider, Ray -- T.20 --Grandparents are important-Part 2\French, Janet -- T.21 --The servant driven church-Part 2\Fulenwider, Ray -- T.22 --Grandparents are important-Part 3\French, Janet -- T.23 --A God for all generations\Woodroof, Tim -- T.24a,24b & 24c --The servant driven Church-Part 3\Fulenwider, Ray.
Formatted contents note York College Bible Lectureship 1998,1999,2000 & 2001:---1998: -- T.1 --Celebrating our serivce-Part 1\Walling, Jeff -- T.2 --Celebrating our service-Part 2\Walling, Jeff -- T.3 --Celebrating our service-Part 3\Walling, Jeff -- T.4 --The Blessing-Part 1\Hawley, Roger & Nelda -- T.5 --Celebrating our service-Part 2\Hawley, Roger & Nelda. ---1999 : York College Celebration Days -- T.1 --Celebrating the Word of Christ\Slater, David -- T.2 --Excellence in Leadership\Paden, Gerald -- T.3 --Woman's leadership roles-Gender roles\Paden, Bobbie -- T.4 --Revealed Himself\Moody, Randy -- T.5 --Rediscovering our worship roots\Slater, David -- T.6 --Living the Word means loving the loving Church\Moody, Randy -- T.7 --Obligation to one another\Paden, Gerald -- T.8 --Women's leadership roles-Women leaders, enablers\Paden, Bobbie -- T.9 --The living Word continues\Moody, Randy -- T.10 --Leadership-Stewardship in missions\Paden, Gerald -- T.11 --Women's leadership roles-Don't quench the Spirit\Paden, Bobbie -- T.12 --What is the Living Word\Shipp, Stanley -- T.13 --Let's celebrate now\Shipp, Stanley -- T.14 --Leadership- What does God expect?\Paden, Gerald -- T.15 --Women's leadership roles-Problem passages\Paden, Bobbie -- T.16 --Who is God anyway\Shipp, Stanley. ---2000 : -- T.1 --Filled with the Fulliness of God "Equipped for change: Studies in the Pastoral Epistles-Part 1\Thompson, James -- T.2 --"Equipped for change: Studies in the Pastoral Epistles-Part 2\Thompson, James -- T.3 --"Equipped for change: Studies in the Pastoral Epistles-Part 3\Thompson, James -- T.4 --"Equpped for change: Studies in the Pastoral Epistles-Part 4\Thompson,James -- T.5 --Filled with the Fulliness of God "Filled with the Personality of Christ"\Woodroof,Jim -- T.6 --Filled with the Fulliness of God "The Prism of His Personality"\Woodroof,Jim -- T.7 --Filled with the Fulliness of God "The Urgency of His Personality"\Woodroof,Jim -- T.8 --Filled with the Fulliness of God "His Fulliness Seen in the Cross"\Woodroof, Jim -- T.9 --Filled with the Fulliness of God "Radical Restoration"\Smith, F. LaGard -- T.10 --Filled with the Fulliness of God " Robbed by the Son of Man\Smith, F. LaGard -- T.11 --Filled with the Fulliness of God "Filled with His Fulliness"\Smith, F. LaGard. ---2001 : -- T.1 --"The urgency of communicating the Father's Love"\Mitchell, Carl -- T.2 --Improving your skills in the family\Mitchell, Carl -- T.3 --Studies in Philppians\Reese, Jeanene -- T.4 --My father's got problems\Marrs, Rick -- T.5 --How did my father get this way\Marrs, Rick -- T.6 --Improving your skills in the family\Mitchell, Carl -- T.7 --Studies in Philppians-Part 1\Reese, Jeanene -- T.8 --Do I really want the prodical's father for my father\Marrs, Rick -- T.9 --Improving your skills in the family\Mitchel, Carl -- T.10 --Studies in Philippians-Part 2\Reese, Jeanine -- T.11 --Ninety-nine to one: Beating the odds\Cox, Monte -- T.12 --Lost and found\Cox,Monte -- T.13 --Improving your skills in the family\Mitchel, Carl -- T.14 --Home alone\Cox, Monte.
Formatted contents note ---2002 : York College Celebration: -- T.1 -- For such a time as this\Williams, Curtis -- T.2. --Introduction to the Romans debate\Pollard, Paul -- T.3 --The Servant Queen\Pollard, Cheryl -- T.4 --Is God behind door #3?\Rush, Terry -- T.5 --Paul's circumstances when he wrote Romans\Pollard, Paul -- T.6 --A year in the Beauty Shop\Pollard, Cheryl -- T.7 --Will we lift our eyes or lower our God?\Rush, Terry -- There is no T.8 -- T.9 --Don't let 'EM rub you the wrong way\Pollar, Cheryl -- T.10 --Celebrating the providence of God\Lavender, Earl -- T.11 --Survey of Romans\Pollard, Paul -- T.12 --For such a time as this\Pollard, Cheryl -- T.13 --Celebrating the Providence of God\Lavender, Earl.
Topical term or geographic name entry element Churches of Christ
General subdivision Sermons.
9 (RLIN) 20941
Topical term or geographic name entry element Churches of Christ
General subdivision Doctrinal and controversial works.
9 (RLIN) 20942
Source of classification or shelving scheme Library of Congress Classification
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    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.14 1996 9877 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.15 1996 9922 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.16-1 1996 9927 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.16-2 1996 9934 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.18 1996 9937 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.19 1996 9941 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.20 1996 9945 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.21 1996 9948 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.22 1996 9951 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.23-1 1996 9953 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.23-2 1996 9955 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.24 1996 9956 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.1 1997 9969 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.2 1997 9978 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.3 1997 9980 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.4 1997 9982 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.6 1997 9999 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.7 1997 10003 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.8 1997 10005 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.9 1997 10007 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.10 1997 10010 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.11 1997 10013 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.12 1997 10017 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.13 1997 10019 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.14 1997 10020 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.15 1997 10022 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.16 1997 10024 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.17 1997 10026 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.18 1997 10028 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.19 1997 10030 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.20 1997 10033 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.21 1997 10036 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.22 1997 10038 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.23 1997 10040 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.24a 1997 10042 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.24b 1997 10044 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.24c 1997 10046 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.1 1998 10047 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.2 1998 10051 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.3 1998 10052 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.4 1998 10053 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.5 1998 10055 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.1 1999 10057 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.2 1999 10059 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.3 1999 10060 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.4 1999 10062 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.5 1999 10064 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.6 1999 10066 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.7 1999 10068 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.8 1999 10070 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.9 1999 10072 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.10 1999 10076 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.11 1999 10078 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.12 1999 10080 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.13 1999 10081 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.14 1999 10083 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.15 1999 10085 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.16 1999 10087 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2000 T.10 19522 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.1 28137 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.2 28138 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T. 3 28139 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.4 28140 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.5 28141 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.6 28142 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.7 28143 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.8 28144 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.9 28145 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.10 28146 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.11 28147 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.12 28148 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.13 28149 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2001 T.14 28150 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.1 34040 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.2 34041 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.3 34042 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.4 34043 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.5 34044 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.6 34045 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.7 34046 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.9 34047 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.10 34048 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.11 34049 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.12 34050 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 07/24/2013 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x 2002 T.13 34051 08/26/2019 07/24/2013 Media    
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 12/18/2015 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.1 1998 C.2 73130 08/26/2019 12/22/2015 Media Bible Department 2
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 12/18/2015 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.2 1998 C.2 73131 08/26/2019 12/22/2015 Media Bible Department 2
    Library of Congress Classification   Restricted Access Not For Loan Academic Resource Center at Levitt Academic Resource Center at Levitt York Archives - see a Librarian 12/18/2015 CASS BX 7076 .A5 Y6x T.3 1998 C.2 74750 08/26/2019 12/22/2015 Media Bible Department 2