Handbook of scriptures to grow on : selected Bible verses to equip you for everyday living /
Schmitt, Lois
Handbook of scriptures to grow on : selected Bible verses to equip you for everyday living / Lois Schmitt and Joyce Price. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Book House, ©1990. - 156 pages ; 21 cm
I. Growing in attitudes -- 1. Attitudes originate from the heart -- 2. good attitudes -- contentment -- forgiveness -- generosity and sharing -- helpfulness -- honesty -- love -- patience -- thankfulness -- 3. sinful attitudes -- deceit -- envy and jealousy -- hatred -- pride -- revenge -- selfishness -- troublemaking -- unrepentence -- II. Growing in behavior -- 1. positive behavior -- being prompt and motivated -- considering others -- following rules -- managing money -- 2. negative behavior -- accepting/offering bribes -- cheating -- loving money too much -- procrastinating -- stealing -- III. Growing in body -- alcohol, drugs, and other substance abuse -- appearance -- body care -- body language -- clothes -- eating habits -- IV. Growing in emotions -- 1. healthy emotions -- cheerfulness -- joy and laughter -- self-control -- 2. unhealthy emotions -- anger -- fear -- temper -- worry V. Growing in mind -- accepting advice -- daydreaming -- finding wisdom -- making decisions -- planning carefully -- receiving instruction -- resisting temptation -- thinking good thoughts -- VI. Growing in relationships -- 1. the pluses -- fairness -- friendships -- peacemaking -- standing up for your beliefs -- 2. the minuses -- favoritism -- judging others -- peer pressure -- quarreling -- VII. Growing responsibility -- 1. parent's responsibility -- discipline -- instruction -- preventing abuse -- providing security -- 2. children's responsibility -- accepting proper discipline -- listening -- obeying -- respecting authority -- 3. everyone's responsibility -- accountability -- VIII. Growing in self-concept -- acceptance -- courage -- confidence -- humility -- reputation -- IX. Growing in sexual maturity -- 1. sexual warnings -- homosexuality and incest -- immorality -- prostitution -- 2. marriage -- preparation (dating) -- purpose and beauty of sex -- responsibility of husbands -- responsibility of wives -- separation and divorce X. Growing in speech -- 1. words are powerful -- 2. words can help -- encouraging others -- keeping promises -- keeping secrets -- teaching others -- 3. words can hurt -- boasting 00 complaining -- excusing your behavior -- flattering -- gossiping -- lying -- mocking -- sassing -- swearing and insulting -- talking before listening -- talking carelessly -- XI. Growing in spirit -- 1. your awareness of God -- God's care -- God's control -- God's discipline -- God's forgiveness -- God's knowledge of every person -- God's plan -- 2. Your response to God -- Bible study -- commitment -- confessing your sins -- fruitfulness -- group worship (church attendance) -- personal faith -- prayer -- respect for God (fear of) -- righteousness -- trust in God -- XII. Growing in work habits -- be dependable -- be motivated by rewards and success -- beware of laziness -- take care of your animal(s) -- take care of your possessions -- take care of your area.
0913367443 9780913367445
Spiritual life.
Spiritual life.
Handbook of scriptures to grow on : selected Bible verses to equip you for everyday living / Lois Schmitt and Joyce Price. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Book House, ©1990. - 156 pages ; 21 cm
I. Growing in attitudes -- 1. Attitudes originate from the heart -- 2. good attitudes -- contentment -- forgiveness -- generosity and sharing -- helpfulness -- honesty -- love -- patience -- thankfulness -- 3. sinful attitudes -- deceit -- envy and jealousy -- hatred -- pride -- revenge -- selfishness -- troublemaking -- unrepentence -- II. Growing in behavior -- 1. positive behavior -- being prompt and motivated -- considering others -- following rules -- managing money -- 2. negative behavior -- accepting/offering bribes -- cheating -- loving money too much -- procrastinating -- stealing -- III. Growing in body -- alcohol, drugs, and other substance abuse -- appearance -- body care -- body language -- clothes -- eating habits -- IV. Growing in emotions -- 1. healthy emotions -- cheerfulness -- joy and laughter -- self-control -- 2. unhealthy emotions -- anger -- fear -- temper -- worry V. Growing in mind -- accepting advice -- daydreaming -- finding wisdom -- making decisions -- planning carefully -- receiving instruction -- resisting temptation -- thinking good thoughts -- VI. Growing in relationships -- 1. the pluses -- fairness -- friendships -- peacemaking -- standing up for your beliefs -- 2. the minuses -- favoritism -- judging others -- peer pressure -- quarreling -- VII. Growing responsibility -- 1. parent's responsibility -- discipline -- instruction -- preventing abuse -- providing security -- 2. children's responsibility -- accepting proper discipline -- listening -- obeying -- respecting authority -- 3. everyone's responsibility -- accountability -- VIII. Growing in self-concept -- acceptance -- courage -- confidence -- humility -- reputation -- IX. Growing in sexual maturity -- 1. sexual warnings -- homosexuality and incest -- immorality -- prostitution -- 2. marriage -- preparation (dating) -- purpose and beauty of sex -- responsibility of husbands -- responsibility of wives -- separation and divorce X. Growing in speech -- 1. words are powerful -- 2. words can help -- encouraging others -- keeping promises -- keeping secrets -- teaching others -- 3. words can hurt -- boasting 00 complaining -- excusing your behavior -- flattering -- gossiping -- lying -- mocking -- sassing -- swearing and insulting -- talking before listening -- talking carelessly -- XI. Growing in spirit -- 1. your awareness of God -- God's care -- God's control -- God's discipline -- God's forgiveness -- God's knowledge of every person -- God's plan -- 2. Your response to God -- Bible study -- commitment -- confessing your sins -- fruitfulness -- group worship (church attendance) -- personal faith -- prayer -- respect for God (fear of) -- righteousness -- trust in God -- XII. Growing in work habits -- be dependable -- be motivated by rewards and success -- beware of laziness -- take care of your animal(s) -- take care of your possessions -- take care of your area.
0913367443 9780913367445
Spiritual life.
Spiritual life.